Winter Banquet Recap

January 6, 2024

Our Winter Banquet was a fun event attended by many. Lots of fun and fellowship was shared as the lodge kicked off it’s Diamond Jubilee. Additionally, the officers for 2024 were sworn in and several awards were presented. Read the full recap.

Lodge Chief Address

Kiondaga Lodge,

The past few months have been incredibly productive. We’re not ones to give up on work during the winter. Rather, the LEC has been planning and executing events and trainings, preparing for NOAC next year, making our way towards the Winter Banquet. The Lodge Leadership Development Lock-In was this year was a huge success. It featured a good group of Arrowmen who were eager to learn and ready to have fun doing so.

There has been a noticeable increase in LEC participation since having our LLD – and that is proof in and of itself that it worked. The end of the year is always a great time for reflection; Kiondaga has grown in its members and values throughout this entire year. It has been an amazing experience being firsthand in that growth and watching it unfold. I am looking forward to seeing how Kiondaga continues to make its way, always moving towards its goals. Still, we have the rest of December to work through, with our eyes set towards NOAC. So here’s to next year, may we continue to live out the Oath and Law and grow in Cheerfulness, Brotherhood, and Service!

Your Chief,

Sam Freeman

2023 Kiondaga Lodge Chief

[email protected]

Renew your OA Membership: 2024 Dues

As the pillars of our esteemed organization, your commitment to the principles of brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service has been the driving force behind the success of Kiondaga Lodge. We are reaching out to you today with an important message—now is the time to renew your membership dues and continue your journey with us.

Renewing your lodge dues not only contributes to the sustenance of a high-quality lodge program but also solidifies your connection to the National Order of the Arrow. By renewing annually, you unlock the opportunity to participate in a myriad of enriching experiences, including lodge, section, and national events. These events are the heart of the Order of the Arrow, fostering camaraderie, leadership development, and a profound sense of community.

The cost for this year’s renewal is $20, a nominal fee that directly supports the activities and initiatives that make the OA thrive. This investment ensures that you can fully immerse yourself in the wealth of opportunities that the Order of the Arrow provides.

As we celebrate our Diamond Jubilee, we are excited to offer a special memento—a unique lodge flap commemorating this momentous occasion. Priced at an additional $5 when purchased alongside your annual dues, this exclusive flap is a tangible symbol of your participation in the Kiondaga’s 75-year legacy. It is a testament to the journey we have undertaken together and the milestones we have achieved as a united brotherhood.

We want to emphasize that this is a limited-time opportunity. Once the membership renewal period concludes, there will not be another chance to order this commemorative flap. It is a rare keepsake that will forever connect you to the historic milestone of our Diamond Jubilee.

Renewing your membership dues is not just a transaction; it is an affirmation of your commitment to the values that define the Order of the Arrow. It is an investment in your personal growth, leadership skills, and the enduring bonds of brotherhood that make our organization extraordinary.

Don’t miss out on this chance to renew your dues, secure your spot at upcoming events, and proudly wear the exclusive Diamond Jubilee flap. Together, let us continue to build upon the rich traditions of the Order of the Arrow and forge a path towards an even brighter future.

Rank Up

March 9, 2024

Rank Up, hosted by our lodge, has been a wonderful event to share knowledge and serve the council’s troops. We will be helping Scouts through their ranks at the Eykamp Scout Center on March 9, 2024. This time, it will be a single-day event with plenty of training for the Scouts at tools and fire, nature, orienteering, and first-aid. We’re really looking forward to serving the troops in our council!

Lodge Leadership Development Recap

November 11-12, 2023

LLD was a great experience for everyone in attendance. Learners went home with skills and zeal to better support the lodge. Read the full recap.

NOAC 2024

NOAC is a week-long experience unlike any other in the Order of the Arrow, and Scouting in general, with innovative training opportunities in the morning, large-scale activities in the afternoon, and professionally-produced evening shows! Highlights from previous NOACs include competitions ranging from ceremonies to a triathlon, patch trading, a conference-wide festival, and much more. Learn more at

Upcoming Events

We have a lot of Events coming up! Be sure to add our events to your calendar and keep up with the lodge calendar on

Adviser Meeting

We will have an Adviser meeting on February 18th at the Eykamp Scout Center

Section Conclave

A weekend where all of the lodges in Section E1 do some training, play games, and just overall have a fun time in fellowship with our friends from other lodges. This will be on April 12-14 at Camp Chief Little Turtle

Spring Fellowship

A weekend on where we have newly inducted members complete their ordeal, and help eligible arrowmen complete their brotherhood and possible vigil. we also have cheerful service, games and fellowship for everyone . We will host this event at Old Ben on May 17-19.

Sash & Bash

This is a Fun party on June at to help show the new arrowmen that we have fun here at the OA, This will be at the Eykamp Scout Center. on June 8th

Fall Fellowship Recap

September 8-10, 2023

The 2023 Fall Fellowship was a fun event! The lodge welcomed seven new Ordeal members to the lodge and four members sealed their membership in the OA by completing their Brotherhood. Additionally, Brian Conner debuted the lodge’s new Elangomat program – which is a group of Arrowmen who work the Ordeal alongside candidates as their guide. Read more in the recap!

Get Involved in the OA!

There are many ways to get involved in the Order of the Arrow, but perhaps the most influential way you can help locally is within our many lodge committees. Our lodge committees consist of the Rank Up Committee, Communications Team, Ceremonies Team, Elangomat & Brotherhood Conversion Committee, Unit Visitation and Election Teams, Activities Committee, Service Committee, Vigil and Awards Selection, Trading Post Staff, and Special Events Committee.

Express your interest in joining a team online at or by emailing the Lodge Secretary.

Unit Visitation and Elections

Has your troop or crew had their OA unit visitation and election yet? If not, contact the Vice Chief of Inductions, Ayden R., to schedule one, or get information about completing an election. We are prepared to conduct visits online or in person. To join the OA, a scout must be elected by his or her peers. Check out the revised OA Induction Requirements from the Order of the Arrow at Some requirements have changed such as long-term camping and the allowed use of digital camping nights. Schedule your election by emailing us at [email protected].

2024 Calendar & Contacts

You can always view the most up-to-date calendar and contact information at Kiondaga Lodge on the lodge website.

If you have not already, be sure to add to your bookmarks!

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